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  1. Kumata

    Middle East Conflict

    khommeni... I guess. .. my bad ..
  2. Kumata

    Middle East Conflict

    but king was same... yes MBS came later on and he is trying to put a moderate image of himself and arab world...more over he was under pressure to improve his image after killing in turkey...
  3. Kumata

    Middle East Conflict

    trump is a self made man while Obama was a puppet.... It was current king only when she was made to cover her head... Hell they did not forced sushma swaraj to cover her head although she voluntarily did it out of respect for their culture... ...still she shook hands in front of press ...
  4. Kumata

    Middle East Conflict

    Qatar and Saudi's signed a deal yesterday and immediately all roads / air / sea links were restored or will be restored by Monday. This means further alienation of Iran ....