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  1. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    @Johny_Baba In case you find anything new on this topic on 4chan, please drop here.
  2. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions Aliens in bedroom? Northern Ireland reports increase in UFO sightings *****
  3. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions Pentagon creates new office to probe UFO reports
  4. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions NASA hints at the possibility of extra-terrestrial life, wants to establish framework to report findings: Details NASA is encouraging the scientists to develop a new framework that can help...
  5. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    I think that Pakis might like this alien anal probing a lot, since they are used to it for long.
  6. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    Extremely little is know about fungi/molds. If possible in ants/insects then humans also maybe possible...
  7. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    Threat part is my masala but you never know because fungi can impact behaviors in insects (this is proven),so...
  8. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    1. UFOs have been observed all over. But most reports come out of "developed world" due to higher aircraft/military activity. 2. It is true to assume as to why highly advanced civilization that is capable of interstellar travel would be interested in outdated earth technology but some people...
  9. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions In a recent television interview, the Trump administration’s Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe claimed that the United...
  10. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    Stop & read. Straight out of sci-fi I am not saying it's aliens but.................... @ezsasa Could you please rename the thread as "Potential Extra...
  11. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions
  12. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    via RT:- The professor mentioned here is legit:-
  13. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    Yeti/Sasquatch etc, Supposedly a secretive hominid that lives Himalayas/Moutntain regions/swamps in India/USA etc. "Physical evidence" when analyzed was found to be bear DNA Others believe that these are hominids like gigantopithicus that are still not extinct...
  14. Cheran

    Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions

    long time back, used to read an american conspiracy/alien/yeti etc website. Once they had a thread almost titled:- Are cats recording devices sent by aliens to secretly record us.