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  1. Super Flanker

    Indian Deep Sea Exploration program

    I don't know whether we have managed to Successfully extract any minerals from the sea or not but I do Know that one of the main aims of this whole "Samudrayaan" program is to explore the sea and extract polymetallic modules.
  2. Super Flanker

    Indian Deep Sea Exploration program

    Any more updates on Samudrayaan Program? The last time we heard news about this in International/Indian Media was back in December of 2021. After that, there was not a single update on this. Sharing some videos with regards to the topic:-...
  3. Super Flanker

    Indian Deep Sea Exploration program

    Whenever I type on the internet "how much has Mankind explored earth's Oceans" than the actual figures that I always mostly find on the internet state things like :- 1. Humans have only Explored, Mapped and Charted 5% of the Earth's ocean. 2. Humans have Explored less than 80 % of the Earth's...