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  1. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    *A Tambram & The Peking Soup.* (A Long Post) It was the summer of 1986, life in India was going as usual. Rajiv Gandhi had been the Prime minister for 2 years and Congress dominated the entire political scenario of the country on the account of the sympathy votes they garnered...
  2. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    Some of the papers authored by Dr. APJ Kalam sir Future Operational Scenario for Antitank Guided Missile Systems Integrated design approach for advanced aerospace vehicles Thanks @Swesh for digging them up..
  3. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    Nehru’s Navy: India’s Tryst with Aircraft Carriers YOGESH JOSHI
  4. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    ‘Soft Kill’ or ‘Hard Kill’? The requirements for India’s space and counter-space capabilities
  5. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    The Expanding Domains of War May 09, 2019 By Kanchana Ramanujam Introduction Technological and sociological changes have brought about a paradigm-shift in the understanding of war, battle-field, and indeed, victory and defeat. Warfare has metamorphosed from the classic military aggression...
  6. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    The Need for a Balanced Approach in India's Military Doctrine Views on Indian Strategy Many feel that India’s Military doctrine is outdated, orthodox and too continentally oriented and neglects the maritime domain. To quote some views. One researcher from Carnegie India feels that The Indian...
  7. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    A Hard look at Hard Power -U.S Army War College INDIA: CAPABLE BUT CONSTRAINED Chapter No.5 by Ashley Tellis
  8. ezsasa

    Indian Military Literature

    This thread is dedicated to creating repository of scholarly literature pertaining to Indian Military (Past,Present and Future). This would be a Non-Discussion thread, Use Quote option in the post and take up the discussion in appropriate thread if required. if any of the members want to...