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  1. Assassin 2.0

    The Spanish Empire - an evaluation

    101 of how to destroy local culture population traditions ethnicity. It's kinda impose foreign based ideology and ideology gain influence by bringing them under there religious Bias. They didn't cared to respect local beliefs. Even ISIS is fighting a Holy war by this logic they are asking people...
  2. Assassin 2.0

    The Spanish Empire - an evaluation

    Buddy you can believe anything which you like even Brazilians don't agree with what Portuguese did with there ethnic indigenous population they don't care about that they still speak Portuguese language but consider themselves as Brazilians. So it's a messed up thing. But all i know for a fact...
  3. Assassin 2.0

    The Spanish Empire - an evaluation

    That is called womb colonization. Breeding with others cannot be established as love or as non racism. You can be racist but still breed with local population. When Portuguese established colonial rule on brazil they pushed ethnic tribal people into sugar manufacturing business meanwhile women...