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  1. FalconZero

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    I don't want be the bad news bear but i think we should keep our expectations low especially how things have been for last one year or so. Third wave is incoming :
  2. FalconZero

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    I was specifically talking about SSLV class or Vikram rockets of Skyroot which they can launch in every third day, much higher frequency than isro can even dream of. I know third day part is exaggerated but it's a bit sad that each launch gets so delayed. Apparently there were some american...
  3. FalconZero

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Last few years have been pretty let's say 'passive' for ISRO. Now, private players only hope, even SSLV got delayed :( Let's hope we will some launch from Skyroot of their Vikram rocket maybe this year end. ISRO needs to improve their communication, accountability too.