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  1. Kumata

    DFI Wishlist

    Use autopager plugin in chrome... I use it and works like a charm
  2. Kumata

    DFI Wishlist

    @LurkerBaba @ezsasa @hit&run Are we targetted with DDOS attack.. Got this twice in 2 mon...
  3. Kumata

    DFI Wishlist

    @LurkerBaba Looks like mail confirmation mails are not coming in. I changed my mail id and it reached me after 10 retries..had a heart in mouth moment since i was locked out of my account..
  4. Kumata

    DFI Wishlist

    A weekly digest is more than sufficient ... for some reason all mail to me go into spam anyways so no pint generating so many mailers.......not sure why i never marked them so.....
  5. Kumata

    DFI Wishlist

    Cant see my beloved flag just below display picture.. is it intentional .. Pls bring it back.. Between Nice upgrade...