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  1. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Marathas never looted Tirupati. In fact they were liberators of temples from British. Marathas were welcomed grandly in temples. Some one is feeding lot of horse Shit here. Below is shared by Trueindology.
  2. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    WTF is Dark Grey list? Would they placed in "light Black" list after 6 months? Then may be we will get to "Medium Black" and finally black. What a travesty. Just thinking though. Do we really want them on black list? May be best thing for us to have Pakis dangling with no certainty of what...
  3. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Why should one be afraid to say the truth? She may be a darling and like all darlings, unless you counter, they will remain as one.
  4. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    why is Gafoora covering his junk?
  5. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    To be frank, Yes, you should be proud of Gaffora. he in his capacity is looking to do best for your nation. And you are right that we did not have some one similar who is as weasel like as they come, lying multiple times a minute to set the narrative. regarding Mocking him, yes, as Indians we...
  6. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Absolutely, This guy has basically been India's counterpart to Gafoora. Surprising that on our forums, few people don't like Baba. What ever "truth" is, he is serving our nation in ways many of us can never dream, I support the guy.
  7. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Thats why I believe we need some groups attacking UK embassies in India, Only then the message will be delivered to them. Shah & Modi need to make this happen to let the goras know what lines they can't cross.
  8. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I believe we must let loose few Biharis into all UK embassy for few hours, After that I doubt India would need to convey any sort of message to our UK counterparts.
  9. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I really admire Modi, Shah & Doval The only thing I am confused about is why we don't openly declare support for Baloch and other separatists in PakiLand. After all Pakis don't make bones about providing support to militants in India. is it because we want to show the world we are not like Pakis?
  10. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I would twist this in another way, People "who care about Priyanka are extremely dumb" If anyone here for a second believes Priyanka has any interest in India's interests, you are dumb. Has anyone forgotten all the "secular" stances she has taken? Heck, her own show has HINDU...
  11. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    funny as hell........PKMKB
  12. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Yup, even our best friends would then lay us down on a mat and go to town on our hiney.
  13. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    There is simply no way we can capture large urban areas and retain them in POK. We should go for strategic and Choke points. This could result in mass migration of current POK into mainland. If it happens, well and fine, if it does not, we retain the choke points and play the long game of...
  14. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I think for the first in decades Chinks are absolutely scared of India, This new India is something they have no idea how to handle, Worse, for first time decades, all their moles and contacts (includes Subr Swamy) have no iota of what's coming next. For Chinks who thrive on predictive...
  15. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    My wish is to take key points in POK, not all of it, just few Key strategic locations. These locations should be such that they are at key CPEC points Once we capture them, no matter what China says, just give them a middle finger. We should just tell them that this is our land & they should...
  16. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    It's time Modi shows China what it means to go against India's interests, All he needs to do let our guys loose on HongKong this week, Ughyrs next week, Taiwan the week after, SCS after that.. Let the Chinks keep barking, what more they can do? Let us show them it's not business as usual and...
  17. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    You have ZERO inhibition to post against our current chief. You showed zero prudence when questioning his integrity. Yet some how we must take your word that you are a man of caution.. Let me know how that duplicity works?
  18. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    But the serving chief is not. you won't post sources or cite them but we MUST take your word.. over the current Chief.
  19. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    BS.. China would not lift a finger if India annexes GB, In fact, it can hardly afford to, considering how it is annexing large swaths of sea and land it feels is rightfully theirs. I think Modi and Co have already realized this fact. China will whimper a bit but there is nothing it can do for...
  20. prasadr14

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Points taken, Still, if they are willing to get involved if we attack GB, we should call Chinese bluff. At what point we stop is upto us. We can decide to stop until we take a few strategic locations key to CPEC. If they are willing to retaliate, they can kiss all the trade deficit they enjoy...