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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    For what its worth Tirumala and Sringeri still stand in all their glory, while the less said the better about the temples "touched" (to put it mildly) by our benevolent jihadi overlords. Addendum: No prizes for guessing who Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao was named after. So much for Marathas looting...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    It is better! You aren't missing much at least by me. Goat/lamb/pig taste way better.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Unfortunately adding guidance systems to an artillery shell being fired at 1000s of "g"s is hard. Much harder than adding one to a missile system. I don't know the current state of art in Indian labs but it would not surprise me if we are far from seeing an indigenous version. That's not to...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Combining disparate groups just for the heck of it leads to a PSU type shitshows. Maybe have a "UN" type group to voice unanimous concerns would be better but seperate organizations have their benefits. A gigantic list has a different perception than a letter signed by a single organization...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    And how is that something only Hindus do? Organizations cater to different interests and regions. Plus a little competition is always good. True for companies true for NGOs. Maybe there should be an umbrella Hindu organization but Hinduism itself has been a very decentralized religion a fact...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Different organizations are formed for different aims and to serve different regions. You think only Hindus do this? Why on earth would say Kannada Sangha North" and "OneJain" merge to a single org anyway lmao?
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Yalgaar karne ki jaroorat nahi hai. Kripaya dhyaan se pade kya likha hai maine. Mobilize karke border mein rakhne ke liye suar ke pille kaafi nahi hai kya?
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I was thinking what's the point of organizing the march (it was the establishment clearly which organized this) and yourself stopping it before it reach. I think it is just to draw more international attention and create war hysteria and support their "Hindu bad Muslim oppressed" narrative...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    The article says that the resolution just "reiterated the party's longstanding human rights focus based position". But It wasn't just that. The resolution also called for an international intervention and a referendum in JK. These HT gandus fail to mention that in the spirit of true...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Nah that was welder bro. Muricans have clearer and harder "T"s (this based on personal experience of trying to make them pronounce my name ) ............................
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Bro. Malaysia (and Turkey for that matter) is a nobody in the grand scheme of things. They can shout till the cows come home. US on the other hand...Whatever ones opinions are about them, their foreign "activities and interests" do have a certain heft to them.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Lmao dude election campaigns are not funded by taxes. Dont be thick. Loan waivers are an unfortunate reality we have to live with because every party promises to give one. Easy vote getter. The only solution is to have more people employed in non agri sectors. Coumtry is not moving away...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Direct USD to INR conversion is misleading in many respects. Note that the US has a much higher minimum wage than India (USD 7.25/hour vs India ~400/day). Indian wages are meant to live in India and not in US and everything is priced accordingly.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Probably a paid ad. Usually have a note saying that "this is a paid advertisement". I promptly ignore any such sheet in a newspaper.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    "Secularism for thee but not for me" is the Islamic motto all over the world.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Used in Hindi too now. .................
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Is that your account? While the Telugu శర్మ is the correct word for "Sarma", Hindi underwent a "shwa deletion" that results in dropping the "-a" sound in the last character of the word. So शर्म in hindi is pronounced as శర్మ్ in telugu, which means "shame" in hindi. The correct word is...
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Librandus are beyond repair. They will call their own mother a wh*re if Modi says something positive about her.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    "Biggest mistake" my ass. 'Muricans were going to rain hellfire on these wannabe arabs if they didn't give unconditional and unwavering support to their retribution.
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    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Its like haggling with a fruit vendor. You always ask for way less than what you are actually willing to give. :cool3:. Till now it was like PoK is pakistanis, any talks would be for J and K. We are turning the tables.