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  1. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    shiv sena is a political party which is formed to protect maratha interest, they did not claim that they are decedents of Maratha empire.
  2. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    They trumpeted all lies and did a drama queen at UNSC, did any one believed them? These are the same guys who admitted we are training 40K terrorists in their country. There is no need to give importance to these occurrences as Amit Shah said there are far more important issues that are...
  3. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Marathas fought against invaders and tyranny of Mughals. As per my historical knowledge they did not fight Rajputs or Sikhs. They were after Mughals and Sultans of South.
  4. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Marathas fought for Hindu Rajya, their slogan is “Hindu Swarajya”. Their goal is to drive away invaders from attok to cuttack , that is whole India.
  5. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    As I said in my earlier post, you were talking the history written by the invaders. I can only advice you to not to take these narratives seriously. Bhakti movement an answer to Islamic conquest started through out India. When Marthas revolted whole of west and South India stood in support of...
  6. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Indians stopped mongols, Arabs, resisted Turks and britishers, when the contemporary civilization like Egyptian, Ethiopians, Greek, Babylon, Persian are wiped out. It depends on the perspective of the things you see. For me India did well considering the odds.
  7. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    The concept of India is there thousands of years ago. India is unified under one political entity under Mauryan rule, Mughals as per the known history.
  8. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    With out intel agencies working round the clock, a country like Pakistan and its rouge agencies like isi would have created mayhem in India.
  9. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    They went after HVT in PoK. ................................
  10. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    1) Ignore and our media should not highlight these protests 2) Indian Origin people at high table in England should come out and voice their discomfort against the current Govt. 3) Indian Govt. should cancel and suspend the trade deals with UK. 4) Suspend the cultural exchanges and missionary...
  11. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    England is behind these protests. They support Pakistan against India in Indian sub continent and they also support Islamic radicals against Indian origin people in England.
  12. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Imran Khan called and told him.
  13. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Pakistani establishment do not say a single word against China or Saudia, since these nations know how to deal with Pakistani Govt.
  14. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    what ever happens in Pakistani controlled land, Pakistan has to take responsibility, these tactics do not work. If people march towards the India border, it is considered as a declaration of war and Pakistan military is proving that they are cowards. This step will not only weaken the...
  15. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Indian diplomatic team did a good job, the speech was crisp, mentioned the needed words and conveyed the message and reply in an apt manner.
  16. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    If Pakistani is not afraid of FATF which they might be because they have the support of China, Turkey and Malaysia a likely scenario. Then a low intensity war will intensify between India and Pakistan. secondly India will pull the legs of Pakistan by supporting Balouchistan, Sindh and KPK...
  17. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    India do not need to do anything, the way things are going in Pakistan. There is a high chance that they will implode from inside. I am not sure of the GoI plans but in my view we should treat the Gand B and PoK regions just like we treat Bhutanese and Nepal, friendly,development and economic...
  18. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Yes they will try but FATF sword is hanging on their head.
  19. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    All most all of them, the way he spoke is more like an emotional black mail. They understood his tone irrational, out of control, veiled threats, Nuclear and emotional black mail.
  20. Srinivas_K

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    POTUS Trump endorsed India's position, what more support we need? Dont fall for the hyteria created by Pakistanis and Indian media. This is one of the thousands of speeches in UNGA. Why worry about voices at all? Is this UNGA speech that important? No Even in the hall he delivered the speech...