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  1. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    When it comes to kill all infidels, why let a crippling economy get in the way. Our western neighbor is living proof and even better examples exist in other sh*thole countries like Somalia and Yemen. There is a perverse inverse relationship between economic progress and fanaticism - the...
  2. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    You will have to contend with dual cannons firing back.:biggrin2: BTW - do forum rules permit posting of the unadulterated (or should I say adulterated) links? I mean ghafoora's navel and non-navel assets should be transparent to members.
  3. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  4. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    "Survillence" : the art of observing enemy positions using china maal powerpoint. Indian "Survillence" Lines: 1st Line: 500-1000M. Check 2nd Line: 1000-2000M. Check 3rd Line: 500-1000M. WTF? When keyboarding is your strongest suit and you suck at even that. #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  5. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    True dat. Spot on bro - this guy's a pappu alright, the only difference from our desi pappu is that this pappu has got the street smarts to spin things his way. He's got the media on his side - why not, after all he announced a $600M (yes, that's right) handout to the media last year to...
  6. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    1999 demolished one myth - your nuklar bomb. Art 370 demolished a few more: - the famed muslim ummah you so badly counted on, flipped the bird at you - and the biggest one of all: the myth of the might of your army bit the dust without firing a shot. Of all your leaders who squealed to everyone...
  7. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    All caps? Someone's got triggered. Love much for Kurds? Closet paki alert. Kurds are no doodh mein dhula hua innocents. I couldn't care less if the sides wipe each other off or one gets annihilated. One muzzie at a time. #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  8. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Spot on. By accident or design, the psyops have started. Got this on whatsapp yesterday: Nicely done - tugging at the heart strings. Very likely the facts are true, it's not just a hit job. #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  9. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    The eagle eyed DFIans don't miss a thing. This time it happened to be me :) commenting on imrandi's body language on landing in NY: The tweet with the video I referred to has been deleted
  10. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    China ka Bose DK :biggrin2: #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  11. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Our own IK Gujral was way ahead of Putin. For all the peacenik he was with his Gujral doctrine, he managed to get this spot on, way back in 1997. Not just the third rate part, but specifically in the context of Kashmir. And no surprise, in UK the gorment in power was none other than Labour with...
  12. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    All is not well between imrandi and maleeha. imrandi totally ignores her on the tarmac: #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  13. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Hastily stolen from the airport lounge no doubt.... #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  14. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    This is not the first time news of PN AC has been reported. Here's what the pakis are getting: - Liaoning - F16 Blk 70 - SU35 - Nuclear sub - ? In this kadka fun times, these are the only dreams they can wank off to. This is their porn, because come morning it is back to goat shagging reality...
  15. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Wassup bro? Abhi to (qatl ki) raat jawan hai.
  16. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Truth be told, here's the real Malala. My own screenshot while browsing quora. Read from bottom up She's a leftwing+media construct, who happened to be at the right place at the right time for the pseudo intellectuals to latch on to. When the guardian/nyt/bbc gang idolize her you know she's a...
  17. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    While his mishandling or deliberately sabotaging the Taliban talks have been quoted as the reason for his firing, he did not have a primary role in the Taliban talks - those were led by Khalilzad reporting to Mike Pompeo, and to some degree Mike Esper, with Bolton only with a seat at the table...
  18. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    When Bajwa & co wear the pinkest pink undies, suicide bombers are their only hope. #pkmkb #destroypakistan
  19. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Groucho Marx, the comedian, once was accepted as a member of a club. He declined to join saying "I refuse to join a club that would have me as a member". Or in shuddh Hindi "bole to ch*tiya klub horela". NYT just proved itself to be that club when they invited imrandi khan to op-ed. #pkmkb...
  20. Imaxxx

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Speaking of upside down flag, slightly OT, what happened to the case against srk @iamatotalpos for holding the Indian flag upside down during a cricket match in Mumbai? #pkmkb #destroypakistan