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  1. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    seems like k-4 k-5 test as per twitterumour
  2. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Please no conspiracy theories. If you happen to read about many prominent KP who were killed/etc were the ones who proudly boasted Kuran Geeta in one room, or neighbor muslims are like my family onlee type.. And who said this is still not continuing? How many of your prominent community members...
  3. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Sir ji, I say READ & COMPREHEND before TYPING LOUD. You haven't UNDERSTOOD a SINGLE bIT Of MY pOST! I hope my choice of writing style helps in getting message across to you. I dont why Chinese bot style of writing english is becoming popular among later crop of millennial
  4. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I am vilifying bad examples from community I know.. I have the gumption to look within, point out the follies in open, so that it becomes an example for others to NOT to emulate. I can give similar examples for neo Bhimvaadis & other communities also - how their hobnobbing with Naxals and...
  5. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    and biggest irony? Both being Brahmins (Kasmiri Brahmin and other Bengali Brahmin) spew hatred towards other hindus(who are majorly non brahmins ), because they practice brahmanvaad. It is these type of high caste Hindus who bought ruin to their own kith and kin and coreligionists.If Kashmiri...
  6. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    what about the infected ones in your own compound?
  7. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Well think about it "I" is the T-Virus. Real Moderate, Secular and Patriotic M's are the ones who have successfully bonded with T-Virus. But the problem is there is no single Albert Wesker Here. Every Radical Moollaah acts as a Wesker clone here, which feeds on some Non M while turning others...
  8. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    India has not objected to Malaysia bu has officially objected to China's speech in UNGA and for a good reason. Malysia, Turkey our nuisance can be taken care - deal with the komodo dragon in your room first
  9. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I agree with everything you siad but with last line. BJP is yet to show aggressive attitude towards China. It seems to in order to pander to its Gujju/Lala/Dilli billi votebank who are expert in importing cheap goods from China relabeling and selling for premium - Indian is literally ready to...
  10. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    good post. You must see this that irrespective of Trump blowing hot or cold, US policy makers have not dithered from G+2. All in all seems, among all of the hullabulla of trade war - America is quietly ceding space to China. Infact even with Modi we havent shown aggressiveness towards China. In...
  11. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    we used to. And i think we still do.. but govt in power is more circumspect
  12. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    ahh dont worry, he is known old jock among common peep who has already spent his prime.. need new young blood to carry forward his agitation with more vigor
  13. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    ^ That fellow (MQM leader) used to sing Saare Jahan Se Accha regularly till late 90's.. if anyone remembers. It simply means Doval is rebuilding what IK Gujral dismantled. We are reopening old wounds of Pakistan
  14. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    I read somewhere .. KP's initially supported separate Kashmir region against Jammu Dogras and Jammu region. Later what happened to them is another story. We need to take a lesson here- sub-regionalism is not always good. MYTHS AND REALITY
  15. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Swamy is MP and part of Party which is power and was speaking for the Bill proposed for his party which went into record and was not expunged. Swamy is only latest entrant. This has been stated by many people esp BJP guys in and outside parliament many times. What you are expecting is Narendra...
  16. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    @ashdoc please remove your name.
  17. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    dude you have to search and dig Parliament archives. here is one I found after lazy search
  18. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    Naah, you were getting depressed after seeing overflowing western media septic tank. Indian position and narrative has been laid out in Indian Parliament many times in very clear words and on many platforms. Its another mater you did not pay attention to it
  19. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    In India there was a counterpart named after Toilet soap
  20. AnantS

    Kashmir Fateh Thread August 2019

    No Enquirer, if you actually read some accounts, it seems Indian efforts are simply stonewalled! You dont understand what deep network this is(MNC, Church, spy rings all involved). There is increasing sympathy to Indian Cause outside biased western media - simply because latter's reputation...