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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    New malaria vaccine from JNU, Anand Ranganathan among the two leaders :)
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Does anybody recall a story from the 1970s or early 80s, about an Indian scientist/engineer in India, who developed an aluminum processing or refining technology, that was then taken by an aluminum giant from North America, without so much as an acknowledgement of the source, let alone any...
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Very good efforts to convert plastic into fuel. Any news on current status of these units? Naive question I know, would there be any significant impact for India's balance of payments, in the petroleum sector( I'm guessing not major, but the environmental value is good) From technocrats in...
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    Science, technology and innovations in India Snapshot IIT Guwahati has transferred Free Space Optical Communication technology to Ahmedabad-based specialists, Nav Wireless...
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Starting at 8:06, a report on an innovative helmet for motorcyclists, developed by an Indian company, which purifies the outside air, then sends the clean air to the rider. Already available throughout India, evidently.
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    Science, technology and innovations in India A team of Indian scientists have developed a model to trace the so far elusive exomoons – natural satellites that revolve around exoplanets (planets orbiting stars...
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    First road in India made from steel slag
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    First coal to methanol plant in India, indigenously developed
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    Science, technology and innovations in India With India eyeing record Steel exports in FY22, the Indian Steel Industry is quickly becoming hot property. Along with it, Sponge Iron, one of the essential raw...
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Sounds good.
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    Science, technology and innovations in India

    ^ Nice, was this the same explosives detector that was exported to the US a few years ago, by way of a technology transfer from India to the US?