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  1. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Dont say such shit,i will lose a lot of money........................................
  2. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    I mean pakistan becomes a quasi-commie state............................................... Hell will break lose on that day paki-chutiya-awaam.
  3. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    You mean PAK-SHIT-STAN,the day it falls to the hands of commies or to the taliban,it will be nuked by Murica
  4. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Plus uncle sam would really really hate if some islamic country gets its hands on nukes................
  5. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    And fuçk your finances and damage the already dented image
  6. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    That's not the way how you make a country pay for wall. Invasion will increase debt to gdp ratio. Good times ahead for MURICA
  7. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Finally muslims will be treated the same way minorities are treated in Muslim countries Let them feel the heat
  8. aditya10r

    Aftermath of Trump Victory
