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  1. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    I was talking about big Indian consulting companies in that post. They have strong background check in place before they file visa. H!B filings will be less. Rumors that people on study visa looking to extend their student visa or move to canada
  2. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    naah professional reply was given by hr: we will get back to you with answer to your queries .... Meanwhile alert sounded within company to employees to get their paperwork in right order as fast possible
  3. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Well it seems raids have started in indian consulting offices to check if the visa holders are working in the same state as mentioned in petition
  4. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Trump logic is flawed and more comprehensive banning is needed on trouble maker states, to drive home point. However make no mistake large muslims IS going to create issue for you guys. You are giving Indian example. Let me telll you from Indian experience, whereever muslims population reached...
  5. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Tactical Frog, Merkel is wrong in admitting lot of immigrants without proper verification. She did similar to what leftists and so called liberals did in India by admitting millions of muslim refugees from BD/Myanmar. And see how they are harassing non muslims(the very people who welcomed...
  6. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    PD, remember there are drover SL Tamils, Khalistanis Mirpuris etc living outside. India is much better without them. But I can understand your sentiments, I had encountered few specimen of white racists during my stay in US. I can only imagine what would immigrants feel if these knuckleheads...
  7. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    I think from Indian POV, India is doing the right thing in not admitting non passport holders and non verifiable so called illegal immigrant "Indians". Why? How can one distinguish between legal Indians and CIA / ISI agents trying to sneek in with help of handlers within India?
  8. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Apple is not popular in India too, and with the inflated price tag that their products come with in India, its an uphill task for Apple to reach Samsung levels.. So until Apple really moves its assembly line here and reduces prices(which it doesnt want to), apple will not have rosy growth as...
  9. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Please tell me MNNA was awarded to Pakistan under what regime? Please tell me which regime played tora bora game happily with Pakistan? Evangelicals are biggest supporter of Republikans. Their major support comes from bible belt in US. So they have to placate their supporters. Right they are pro...
  10. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Dont underestimate abilities of our home grown liberals fools to shoot on their own feet
  11. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    but I do not understand either the elation nor sadness among indians on election. Under Republicans more arms & dollars have flown to Pakistan even when US was under attack from them. India got nuke deal, more evangelikal and hyooman rights investments... Under Demokrats its same $hit except...
  12. AnantS

    Aftermath of Trump Victory

    Living in Liberalism/Leftism is good as long as you are a minority or you are a politburo/party card carrying - power weilding member. There is a reason why most progeny of commies in India, when given a chance to emigrate, do not live in China but live in US or Europe.