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  1. samsaptaka

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Arjun, Whap, Atags, ....the list goes on..
  2. samsaptaka

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Call me pessimistic,but when it comes to orders, Whap will go the atags way...
  3. samsaptaka

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Quite a succint write-up of the current state of corrupt IA gernails , dalals, chandigarh lobby and corrupt MoD babus ! But IA veterans would beg to disagree with their ostrich attitude
  4. samsaptaka

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    I think the army's way of rejecting something is the keep it bogged down in endless trials and meanwhile keep importing from ruskie land