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  1. Bleh

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Quite the opposite IMO.. They're losing MRAPs everywhere, mostly to artillery & IEDs. In our own Red-corridor paramilitary troops avoid using MVPs but prefer motorbikes. Stryker is also disliked by a lot of US troops I've come across online. Plus we can't afford 10s of 1000s of IFVs. I suppose...
  2. Bleh

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier

    To break waves & now allow the nose to torpedo into water. Basically this effect but small scale.
  3. Bleh

    Indian Army Tata Kestrel 8x8 Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier
