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    India’s Covert Action Capabilities Stymied By CIA, MI6 Pressure

    This is why i said that USA has invested too much time and money in Pakistan too give it up so easily. Either China will be thrown out or Pakistan ripped apart Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    India’s Covert Action Capabilities Stymied By CIA, MI6 Pressure

    After Mumbai USA was actively sharing intelligence with India. I always wondered how USA a country 12000 miles away has intelligence about a country next to India that India does not even have? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    India’s Covert Action Capabilities Stymied By CIA, MI6 Pressure

    Blaming foreign agencies does not cover up the root cause political failures ,corruption lack of policy and no strategic vision of any kind Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk