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  1. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    How do you know who is bombing? Same area is being bombed by USA, France, UK - what not?
  2. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    ISIS may look very strong today but its future is bleak. It will be eradicated, as no major power wants it.
  3. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    My prediction for Syria is that Americans will withdraw and scale back. This may not happen immediately but will happen, as the next President will definitely roll back involvement. This will leave Turkey and Saudi still embroiled in Syria but they will not be able to stand against the Russian...
  4. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Looks like laser guided missiles. Did Russia develop fire and forget missiles? Somehow I have a feeling Nag ATGM with IIR may perform better.
  5. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Price is immaterial. Russia has managed to scare both Kiev and Ankara. This is what counts.
  6. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    That is still land. Control of land is same thing. All this is covered in ancient treatise of India called ManuSmriti.
  7. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Turkey does not need air assault. If security is weakened on the ground, then even a band of saboteurs can do immense damage. I think Russia will ensure security of not only its bases, but also area surrounding. So it is only a token withdrawal, to create political space for reconciliation...
  8. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    The purpose of war is to win land. There is no other purpose. Diplomacy is the best way to keep status quo.
  9. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Russians are working very hard on increasing agricultural production. people forget that they have to take Crimea and parts of Donbas also into consideration. In comparison, India is yet to win any land and stabilize it (which requires huge amount of resources). Russia does very well on many...
  10. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Russian economy is NOT in dire straits. This is completely wrong reading. Russians have given contracts to Chinese and Indians to ensure oil production does not go down from sanctions. The best indicator is auto production which has stabilized. There is a crash in European imports which was...
  11. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    @nirranj, S400 cannot stop special ops. Airbase still needs to be secure. There is a real drawdown of fighters and ships. This will reduce need of support staff and equipment. This means Russia expects much lower need of airpower at least in the short term. Time is needed for the regime to...
  12. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    The problems with Muslims is that they always resent non-Muslim presence. It becomes hard to tell friend from foe. Long term presence is counter-productive. Better is to come with full force, punish and withdraw. American folly in Iraq and Afghanistan need not be repeated by Russia.
  13. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    @sob, do not get the impression that Putin has abandoned Syria. far from it. This likely is part of deal with USA, which stops Turkey from invading. Russia cannot be bogged down in Syria easily. The actual fighting on the ground is by SAA and Shia militia from Iran and Iraq etc. A Turkey...
  14. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    There is no deal. Russians are reconciled to the sanctions. Russians are more affected by EU sanctions compared to American sanctions. As long as Merkel is in power, Russia has no hope. Syria is a very complicated place. Russia is right to be very careful and reserved.
  15. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Do not assume Russia has left the field wide open to USA. Russia is basically creating space for reconciliation. Will Turkey invade to take advantage? I have doubts. If it does, it will put USA in a very uncomfortable position.
  16. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Assad does not seem to have enough money or people to control all of Syrian land. So let assad prove he can hold what he has now.
  17. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    The greater issues are political where troops cannot contribute, Russian or american
  18. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    It is not about money. Russia will continue with her presence and it can redeploy at short notice. Russia has worked for a ceasefire in Syria. Obviously a lot of Russian troops are not required when ceasefire is holding well. Russia has no peace keeping troops in Syria and does not intend to...
  19. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Maintaining peace is sometimes more difficult that fighting the war. Russia has learnt its lessons. Russia does not want to be seen as an occupier in the Muslim world. It seems there will be a withdrawal of both aircrafts and ships. Still enough will be left for security and dealing with...
  20. garg_bharat

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    Putin is master of realPolitik. I think a political agreement that cements ceasefire is the best outcome. People of Syria are really suffering. The human condition is terrible. Putin has thrown a bone to the opposition dog. Let is see if Opposition chews on it. Putin does not want WW3 over...