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  1. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis Putin Officials Said to Admit Real Syria Goal Is Far Broader October 19, 2015 — 9:56 PM AEDT Updated on October 20, 2015 — 2:13 AM AEDT
  2. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    That helicopter was in Aleppo (Syria) or Kunduz (Afghanistan)......!.....?
  3. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis
  4. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    check it ...............................................https : // twitter (dot) com/osmansarot1/status/652586160095629312 If Russia really wants to win against ISIS, then first they have to stop ISIS getting new weapons.
  5. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    ^^ Funny part is I tried to post link , tweet, image but surprisingly nothing works here. Even I can't see it in my post. And total black out.
  6. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

  7. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    How much Russian air force got improved since Afghan war....................? Well, no need to wait more. We all will see it in very near future. I guess. :troll:
  8. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    It is in India's interest to be on US side, as considering IOR and Asia we both countries are on the same boat. And that is why I prefer to be on US side and become an American fanboy . :bounce: ------------------------------------------------------------------ But the most funny part...
  9. Zebra

    Russian involvement in Syrian crisis

    :dude: This article says .................................... Sources in Lebanon told the Reuters news agency that hundreds of Iranian troops have entered Syria to bolster the beleaguered armed forces of President Bashar al-Assad. If confirmed, the combination of that support from Iran and...