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  1. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    In combat...INS Vikrant's finest hour, 1971 Photo 6A: In the 1971 operations off the coast of East Pakistan the Seahawks flew a few hundred sorties successfully attacking fuel storage facilities, airstrips, patrol boats, merchant shipping, anti-aircraft batteries and troop concentrations...
  2. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    Photo 4D: Very first landing on Vikrant by an Alize of the Indian Navy. May 1961 off the coast of France. A part of the ship's company is out to have a good look at the new bird. The engine is still running as the aircraft taxis to its parking bay and the wings have just been folded prior to...
  3. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    Photo 3D: Layout of INS Vikrant, as originally built, beautifully depicted above. Copyright K.W. Vestergaard Photo 3E: Take-off from the limited space of a carrier deck is assisted by a catapult that is fired in a barrel driven by high pressure super heated steam much like a bullet is fired...
  4. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    Enter INS Vikrant, R11…..carrier aviation comes to Asia Photo 3A: On 4th March 1961 INS Vikrant (means 'Courageous') commissioned into the Indian Navy. She carried the pennant number R11. This photo was taken a few days before her commissioning. Vikrant was a Majestic class light carrier...
  5. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    ======================== I wonder what is like for those people who sleep, eat, play and did their duty on it, The attachment cannot be told in verbal language ..
  6. Kunal Biswas

    RIP INS Vikrant

    Their is actually nothing much to talk about, Its a tragedy .. I hope same fate does not happen with Virrat, Rather push it for another 10 years as Helicopter carrier ..