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  1. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    Regardless the religion, the illegal infiltrators of Bangladesh must be deported back, whether Hindus or Muslims thats a very positive news, indeed..... :india: in a simple term, "Indian government may hardly grant a short stay visa to those Bangladeshi Illegals, who present their passport of...
  2. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    something more concerning people of India :ranger:
  3. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    . this is what they want to do here, once they get enough space in India:facepalm:
  4. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    @Ray @genius if you try to find any firm from the very poor LDCs countries like Burma, Nepal, even Sri Lanka also, i dont think you would see them too. dont get upset having a look on the state of Bangladesh here.... and here, always remember my post about comparison of Bangladesh with...
  5. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    . Standing of BRIC's Firms in World we have an update of listing of firms of BRIC economies as below: 1st; The World's Most Innovative Companies - Forbes here we find 5 Indian firms having a place among the top 100 of world . 2nd; Asia's Fab 50 Companies - Forbes here we find 12 Indian...
  6. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    . Standing of BRIC's Firms in World we have an update of listing of firms of BRIC economies as below: 1st; The World's Most Innovative Companies - Forbes here we find 5 Indian firms having a place among the top 100 of world . 2nd; Asia's Fab 50 Companies - Forbes here we find 12 Indian...
  7. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    further to your comment about the "Improved Efficiency" of these illegal migrants, we have a news as below too. here, its interesting to see that out of total GBP 2,352 million remittance outflows from Britain, around GBP 1.16bil goes to just two countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh, or to one...
  8. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    its an 'incompetent' statement, stating the people would always 'surrender' to the decision of government.... no matter what the government 'try' to legalize, the people always have a reason to alter the decision by appealing in court. we always find the laws keep changing as concerning the...
  9. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    just to add bit more, we now have the issues related to false perceptions of 'Indians' in US/West too, as below.... its also similar to how we find false ID members of BD and Pak here :ranger:
  10. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    The Islamic future of Britain The future of Britain? Britain is in denial. If population trends continue, by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation :ranger: Britain is in denial. There is no real public debate on a historic event that is transforming the country. Mention of...
  11. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    . just discuss bit more on this topic, the issues UK have with these immigrants. we have been having some news like as below too :ranger: . => something more about the things happening in Britain on the ground level, as below: :facepalm:
  12. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    @Ray thats a good point, a good post :thumb: hmmmmm, look, cheap and now "more efficient" imported labors, as discussed in the post#158, do have some advantages, but it has many other things attached with it too, like the news as below.... sir, we would always like to see increase in salaries...
  13. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    sir, In the above news, we have 3 main tables to state the condition of migrants in Canada. here we find Indian migrants on 'average' category, as compare to others..... 1st, Table states that Indian migrants stands with East European People in "Low Income group category", bit better than East...
  14. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    . and, we also have a news as below about Canada. here, Canada put Pakistanis and Bangladeshis(East Pakistan) together, as it was before 1974. :ranger:
  15. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    @Ray @Mad Indian one more tale of these "Efficient Migrants" is as below..... isn't it a good idea to send them to US/UK itself, to help them have a better life? :ranger:
  16. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    the short story of "Import of Poverty and Terrorism from Bangladesh" and its consequences on India ..... :tsk: when i have a look on the state of these 2 rouge neighbors of India, and its consequences on India, the nation, as whole, i always remember statement of a former Indian PM as below...
  17. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    @Ray with that, Bangladesh has increasing become a source of import of Islamic Terrorism into India too, as below :ranger: =>
  18. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    => along with the above news, we have a similar news as below too. and this what these shiits want to do in India :toilet: :tsk:
  19. santosh10

    Bangladesh migrants, the citizens of no man's land

    Partition of India The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire[1] that led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan (it later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and the Union of India (later...