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  1. T

    Agni V Missile

    What was interesting is that the Chinese media first denigrated Agni-5 on the day of launch, saying that it is not as sophisticated as Indians think, and that China is way ahead. India's infrastructure, it was also claimed, is weak and incapable of supporting a long range missile. The very next...
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    Agni V Missile

    Repetitive and pointless discussion. Indians will know the true range, with different payloads. Indians don't like to be or sound, overly jingoistic particularly at the level of government. If other countries also know the maximum range of Prithvi-1 or Agni-2, good for them.
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    Agni V Missile

    Well let India be concerned about that particular issue- the precise number of tests of different ranged missiles.
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    Agni V Missile

    What's the point of all these harangues, no smoking?
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    Agni V Missile

    It's incredible that some people could still be calling Brahmos a Russian missile, without so much as a qualification! Brahmos is very much a joint venture between two organisations and two countries. The top secret propulsion system is in Russian hands. Everything else has major Indian input...
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    Agni V Missile

    I have noticed a pattern of behaviour among Chinese on the internet. When they are not viciously abusing India and Indians( check out the Shashi Tharoor video where he comments on Africa, China and India, for some real beauts), they are denigrating, condescending and cajoling toward anything...
  7. T

    Agni V Missile

    India probably feels it doesn't need to test Agni-5 10-20 times before operationalising it. They could be confident in its effectiveness from 5-6 tests, having confidence in its design. Computer simulation also helps. As another poster said, India ultimately has to do what is right for itself...