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  1. V

    GSLV Mark II

    LOL!! HAL now wants a share of the reflected glory..Not a bad thing but shows the truth of the adage -- that victory has many friend while failure has....:) Contributed significantly to GSLV D5 success: HAL Perhaps somebody can suggest to them to get the GTRE to otusource some help for kaveri...
  2. V

    GSLV Mark II

    ICBM technology already proven using the agni 5 tech. We just need to stratergic requirement to push it to testing and production. Also in the Mars mission too we saw hints of it during the looong coasting phase of the upper stage when it was nearing the end of IOR and into the pacific.
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    GSLV Mark II

    Perhaps you should go through the previous few pages. Best of its kind does not mean whether it is launched the first or tenth time...its about the technology under the hood....
  4. V

    GSLV Mark II

    Welcome to DFI. The reason here is purely due to the different structure and fuel used by the GSLV and the Long March 3 family of rockets. In the GSLV the core engine is a cluster consisting of 4 liquid boosters that burn N2O4/UDMH liqiud fuel along with the S139 solid core engine which has...
  5. V

    GSLV Mark II

    Re: ISRO to launch GSLV-D5 in July Indigenous GSLV to be moved to Sriharikota by May 15
  6. V

    GSLV Mark II

    Re: GSLV with indigenous cryogenic engine to be launched in April 2013 Yep you are right. There are going to be two launches of GSLV. the one in July is MK.II in which ISRO will be testing again the indigenous third stage/upper stage Cryogenic engine for only the second time ever. The first...