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  1. Lions Of Punjab

    Indian Navigation Constellation (NAVIC) aka IRNSS

    ISRO’S DESI GPS SYSTEM IS HERE AHMEDABAD: It's time we move away from the American Global Positioning System (GPS) and make way for our own desi navigation system — the Indian Regional...
  2. Lions Of Punjab

    Indian Navigation Constellation (NAVIC) aka IRNSS

    MAKE IRNSS INDIA'S PRIMARY NAVIGATION SYSTEM: SCIENTIFIC ADVISER TO THE DEFENCE MINISTER BANGALORE: The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) should be made India's primary navigation system, said a top scientist on Thursday. "Once the seven satellites (Of IRNSS) are in place by...
  3. Lions Of Punjab

    Indian Navigation Constellation (NAVIC) aka IRNSS

    PSLV-XL WITH IRNSS-1D HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE LAUNCH PAD: ISRO The Indian rocket that would put into orbit the country's fourth navigation satellite on March 28 was moved to the launch pad on Monday morning, said a senior official. "The rocket - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-PSLV-XL - has been...