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  1. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Eh! And you think enemy will send a single fighter. Enemy jets will have irst too. Even if f35 can see enemy first what it's gonna do when it's missile can't reach enemy . To bring enemy under it's missile range it will have to move closer and get caught on enemy irst and enemy with longer...
  2. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Ah ! What an argument . Why are all other airforces including France , UK , Germany , India , Russia developed/ developing ramjet missiles. Are they all idiot or you are the dumb one?
  3. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Yup it can carry more missiles. Yet against a fighter armed with single meteor this f15 will have to stay far away as all of its might aim missile are outranged. It can't use them without coming closer while enemy with ramjet missile can target it from farther away. So what is the point of...
  4. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Read the post above by @Steven Rogers the optimum solution in combo of ramjets and rocket powered. That is why India is also getting both meteor/ sfdr as well as derby ER and astra dual pulse.
  5. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Exactly a combo of ramjet and rocket motors. Now where is American combo? Why such neglect to long range warfare?
  6. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    And yet they don't have it. How ironic.
  7. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    USA will be facing sfdr armed Russian missile ( equivalent to meteor before 2030). USA fleet still consist mostly of 4th and 4.5 gen fighters. Su57 and j20 armed with longer range missile than USA will negate the stealth advantage of f22 and f35 to a large extent as even if USA plane see the...
  8. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    No matter how much you try to create false equivalent meteor is superior to aim class including c and d versions. That's because solid fuel ducted ramjet is leagues ahead of rocket motors. At this point you are disputing physics .
  9. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    My point is if USA goes forward with ramjet in near future than your theory of how USA can't throw away aim experience and tactics is flawed. Rocket motors can't keep up with sfdr. That's just physics. Let's see what USA will chose better physics or older experience which is no longer relevant...
  10. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    I It is 3 times that of aim120 c5.
  11. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    If USA is so averse to sfdr than what propulsion will aim260 use?
  12. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    And where is that decades operational difference with solid fuel based aam missile. USA today had sfdr in operations =0 Will have one in operations in few years. India/ Russia will catch up with sfdr based missile in few years after USA does that. That's the whole thing I'm pointing out. Why...
  13. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    More accurate argument is it took time to hone solid fuel propulsion rather than seeker and other parts . Why hasn't usa came up with similar propulsion in similar timeline? Because propulsion is the difficult part here.
  14. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Propulsion is the heart of missile! Meteor has solid fuel ducted motor with ramjet. Aim120 doesn't have it. So this equal equal range is American fanboyism. Meteor range has no match in aim 120d . Neither does aim120d escape zone meets that of meteor. These are redundant arguments. Yes USA...
  15. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Are you serious ? Meteor outclasses existing aim class missiles and USA aim 260 which is only in development will be no better than meteor. All latest tech for air to air missile is solid fuel ducted motors. meteor has it . Sfdr tested had it and aim 260 will have it. USA is simply late to the...
  16. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    That is indeed impressive if they pull it off. Given they have put 3 billion dollars into it India should learn a lesson here and open purse for jet engine development. We have barely spent a billion on Kaveri when we have no previous engine while USA is spending 3 billion and more for just an...
  17. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    That's the point . Latest tech is scramjet. Given USA spending on defense one would think USA will be decades ahead of rivals in operationalizing an scramjet based aam. But that hasn't happened. USA is not only behind Europe here but barely a few years ahead of India/ Russia . Even dual...
  18. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    So what is the actual specifications ? What is the target thrust? Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
  19. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    2026 seems late. Europe already has meteor and with sfdr project India and Russia will have same class missile by 2026-28. USA lead is slipping away faster than anticipated before. Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
  20. IndianHawk

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    F35 is being co-developed it's primary buyers are making components and what not . It would be pretty difficult to lie about that one with so many stakeholders. Many faults are already in public debate.