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  1. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    That is a misconception. The interceptor doesn't need the same speed as the target, but the higher speed, the better. Intercepting is not like two bullets heads on flying in the straight line, it is one missile to hit another one from the side. Unfortunately modern ground based commanding...
  2. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Obviously, that is not reality. If you look at the world map, you will find that US mainland is far away from her major adversaries military basis, such as Russia and China. The only weapons both countries can use to strike US mainland is ICBM. The route of this kind strick is limited only 2: 1...
  3. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    No, I am criticizing the work done by Indian scientists. I am laughing at the brainless words from Indian fanboys who are actually humiliating these scientists's brilliant work.
  4. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Even USA doesn't dare to claim that when they have whole ocean to provide warning time. The most important key point of a missile defence system is its own capability of detecting and tracking incoming missiles, which the India system is facing the worst situation: both her adversaries are too...
  5. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Chinese has successfully done the user trial of intercepting a missile flying at around 10M. USA has plenty of military bases in Middle East...
  6. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    S-400 has proved that it can handle short - medium range missiles which are the most possible types of missiles targeting India. Except UK and Frances, all other nuclear powers don't need missiles >3000 KM for India.
  7. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    1. Considering the potential number of warheads both India and Pakistan will have in next 20 years, nothing could be better for your enemy than you putting multiple warheads on one missile. You just narrow down their target list. So, both countries won't choose MIRV under the current situation...
  8. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    That is very interesting intepretation, did Russia/US/China only require their ASAT system to be capable of destroying only ONE satellite in the war before MKV is available?
  9. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    ’ No, they are calling for improvement of the quality and tech level of nuclear arsenal, not the number. Firstly, you can’t use importing uranium for weapon publicly as they are under the watch of IAEA; Secondly, the low grade Uranium, but enrich it to weapon-grade uranium is expensive and...
  10. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    In the reality, everyone is speaking of limiting nukes! There are quite a lot external limits forcing everyone to limit the number of their nukes: financial capacity, economical balance, energy demand, human resources, etc, tec. Military department is not the only one consuming your resources...
  11. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Yes, that is right because India finds a way to produce warheads without consuming any raw material. And India also finds the place to produce these without any trace, outer space??? I guess. And Indian military men also think that they don't need to produce the necessary number of delivery...
  12. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    There is one important factor: due to the limited number of nuclear warheads, NFS countries undertake only counter-value principle in their nuclear war planning, in other words, their nuclear BM are only targeting enemy’s major city. So, first strike or instant retaliation won’t make any...
  13. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Firstly, no, I am saying other countries, such as China, will send in the BM with conventional warhead to destroy only those BMD systems which are deployed to protect the major cities. Their nuclear tipped BM will only come when they believe your BMD system is destroyed or below the minimum...
  14. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    For nuclear deterrence countries, there is no advantage of first strike as they give up the right of first NUCLEAR strike from the beginning. For nuclear war fighting countries, they can afford couple of minutes late. Firstly, for nuclear deterrence countries, they don’t launch instant...
  15. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Firstly, the incoming missiles are not necessarily carrying nuclear war head. More likely the first batch comes will be those with conventional warhead which is aiming to the BMD system; Secondly, each missile will be able carry at least 2 heavy decoys; Thirdly, unlike BM, BMD is heavily relying...
  16. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    I am just telling you a general principle which applies to every country since the technological standard of interceptor is far more superior than normal ballistic missile.
  17. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    On the contrast, it is too expensive for India to build a ABM system against over 100 missiles. Until today, the cost of each BMD missile is much higher than ballistic missiles.
  18. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Basically, for countries sitting shoulder to shoulder without any geographic buffer zone, with the current technological level, the effectiveness of ABM is minimized as the lack of early warning time.
  19. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    No, HQ-19 is HQ-19 which is a Chinese version of THAAD. In your own quote, it is clearly said the interceptor used in this test was DN-3 which is reported for mid-course only.
  20. N

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    India's ABM in Afghanistan for what? There is no place in Pakistan that radar in Afghan can see while radar in India can't see.