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  1. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    How India Can Go After Pakistan's Nuclear Stockpile Indian Air Force (IAF) Chief Birender Singh Dhanoa on Thursday said “if the need arises”, the IAF had the capability to disarm Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal by conducting what he called a “full-spectrum” operation. But when would such a “need”...
  2. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    This is an interesting read...Cross posting.. Already posted in some relevant threads. It was an unusually warm afternoon in the autumn of 1935. Adolf Hitler sat under a tent, faithful Guderian seated next to him, reviewing...
  3. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    Novel Indian Technology Helps Cut Risk of Dirty Bombs: BARC Director KN Vyas by Pallava Bagla NEW DELHI: In this new world order where the entire globe is under threat of terrorism, the fear of the use of a 'dirty bomb' or an explosive laced with radioactive material is a genuine threat but...
  4. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    Thats Afghan weed talking..coupled with chinese madrassa education. :D paki fan boy from china trying to be awesomely stupid for pakistan countering all commonsense and facts. We know that even 1 pakistani painted chinese nukes cant do much against India.. Mushraff learned it the real real hard...
  5. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    To annihilate pakistan we dont need tooooooooooo many nukes.India is not like china who will go by quantity but by quality. Well its an equation chinese dont understand. pakistan does have tactical nukes..may be the internet behind the chinese wall doesnt have the information on pakistan...
  6. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    chinese will only make a move if there is an inherent weakness. china wont attack india ..not in a direct way..but use pakistan to meddle India. This way..all bashings will be taken by stupid pakistan and china is safe in their game plan. china will protect the interests (terrorists of...
  7. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    No...Indian doctrine ensure that paki nukes are just a show piece. Its pakis who are scared to use even their tactical pukes. Then again India is a responsible nation with nukes and neighbors, so it wont cry of nuclear escalation unless there is a real escalation unlike your friend pak. India...
  8. sorcerer

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    Pakistan's Tactical Nuclear Weapons and India's Response Consequent to possession of nuclear weapons and particularly on conclusion of six nuclear tests by Pakistan in May 1988; five based on Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) detonations using boosted fission technology and the sixth plutonium...