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  1. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Maybe waiting for General Elections to get over.
  2. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Let them take as much time as they want. We are in no race with anyone and should take sufficient time to ensure everything goes on smooth and with any accidents later on.
  3. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Literally Vyomnaut jumpsuit design is best among all suites from around the world.
  4. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Modiji announces Indian Space station:
  5. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    This dress looks kinda cool!
  6. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    International Launches are predefined for next 2-3 years in advance. US planned to move from Soyuz to Their own local players: Crew mission from SpaceX and upcoming New shepherd and another from Lockhead, I think! Not sure how many more Soyuz seats are left with US!
  7. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    We had sign pact with NASA then why would we send by soyuz to ISS??
  8. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Yes, looking back to the post, it could have been worded better. Also, 4.5% is closure to 10% than .01%
  9. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    You seem to be right. I just checked apart from regular NASA budget, The complete Apollo program had its own funding. Different estimate says as low as ~$25B to as high as ~$48B. Different guys said different values in US Congress hearing over the years.
  10. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    I was off but not by that large margin: NASA Budget from late 1950s till late 1960s: Calendar YearNASA budget Nominal Dollars% of Fed Budget[5][6]2022 Constant Dollars (Millions) (Millions) 1958890.10%903 19591450.20%1,456 19604010.50%3,967 19617440.90%7,286...
  11. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    They spent close to~10% of GDP year on year during that decade on NASA. They employed over 4lacs engineers of various fields, countless men in non-science fields. Remember what JFK said: "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but...
  12. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    How many missions done this year by now? I think already broke the record of 6 launches a year. 8 launches are planned for total.
  13. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    This is more than decent salary for the Job. There are incentives extra to the base salary. Please consider the avg and mean salary in the country.
  14. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    WatchMojo video on ISRO:
  15. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Dhol Nagare and Crackers in whole NCR too!
  16. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    They have already restricted the forum in India
  17. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    The aim of article is to mention the projects which would be coming in future from ISRO.
  18. SKC

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Listing here from above posted article: 1.ADITYA-L1-2023 Major objectives • Understanding the Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration. • Understanding the initiation of Coronal Mass ejections (CME), flares, and near-earth space weather. • To understand the coupling and dynamics of the...