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  1. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    @Vikram314 yes I agree with what you have Just written.You are right mate ,as of now we can make only Assumptions and theories! Who knows that in the near future a warp drive type Technology might be possible? Let's hope for the best for mankind. Let's see what the Future holds for Humanity as a...
  2. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    1)To be honest from my personal opinion there is always the Possibility of Faster than light travel, there are many concepts in today's scientific community which Support such things ,for example take the Alcubierre warp drive concept which theorizes using Warp Technology to travel faster than...
  3. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    This look to be better in my opinion.
  4. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    My idea of what future cities could look like in the near future!
  5. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    Yes ,they are not practical as of now but as time passes, they will be more practical in the near future. I am definitely sure of that!🙂
  6. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    Hey guys! What do you all think? Do you think that Warp Technology could be a reality in the near future?
  7. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    Who knows mate? Maybe we will be having Flying Cars in another 100-200 years? Maybe we will be having Colonizes on other planets? who knows!
  8. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    Yeah man exactly ,we have so much Potential for Space exploration. We have been able to build Advanced Aircrafts and basic space Technology which 200 years ago was perceived to be just science fiction? God knows what we might be build in the near future! Who knows maybe in the near future we...
  9. Super Flanker

    Space exploration and technology

    I have a few Questions with Regards to Space exploration and technology: 1) is it possible that one day we will be able to do interstellar travel(interstellar travel refers to the currently theoretical idea of interstellar probes or crewed spacecraft moving between stars or planetary systems in...