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  1. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    That's how history works we cannot change it. But we can utilize the consequences of those choices correctly. India have come long ahead nehru era. Things are totally different. India's diplomacy is multi dimensional. And only a idiot can think Americans would have been a fair partner to india...
  2. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Then there would have been east Pakistan another bigger cancer for india. India used soviets for good and break the Pakistan. In 90s india and Pakistan was on same level and American interest was quite high with Pakistan because Pakistan was easy way to keep influence on Middle East. Pakistan...
  3. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Best thing would be another vikrant class IAC1 type of aircraft carrier. Because if we went on buying xyz from other nations then our capabilities which have generated over the years will be lost. Whole infrastructure to build aircraft carrier will be lost. So government will not do that.
  4. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Americans have economic might high scale of production they can even give there old aircraft carrier for cheap to the states where there influence is deep. After few years as Americans retire old F-16 it would be sold in shit cost to the so called allies. France cannot match that level of...
  5. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Ask this HAL this was one of there key reasons to jump up the cost of tejas.
  6. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Over work management issues. Hal tho did bhramos integration cheaper. Everything depends on the mood of HAL and it's commie workers. No one can pressure them.
  7. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    If hal can double the cost of tejas mk1a and confuse IAF for 2 years and then claim to the government that costs is valid because our workers do overtime or xyz. And take more man hours than West then they can claim and ask anything. HAL had asked for Rs 463 crore ( $64.5) for the Tejas Mk-1A...
  8. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    India’s principle of “strategic autonomy” remains strong, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, drawing an equivalence in ties with Russia, the U.S. and China and cautioning against a “return to the age of great power rivalries,” at a conference in Singapore on Friday. President Putin and I shared...
  9. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    This sounds good only in some speeches by politicians. Nothing else. Everything depends on gains too. Trading is okay Chinese are also 2nd biggest trading partner. Indian philosophy of alliance is totally a different game. Indian government diplomats are telling Americans that we will not be...
  10. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    India was never offered with growler variant of F-18. Without that electronic warfare suit that jet is incomplete. Because it's speed maneuverability celling height everything is low under powered engines. Electronic warfare is biggest edge of that jet and india was not offered with that.
  11. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    India doesn't have infrastructure to contain F-16. F-16V fighters to Bulgaria, stands at $1.67 billion for eight fighters in addition to a broad range of sensors, weapons, training devices, software, training, support, and spares. Since Bulgarian air force is predominately made of Russian...
  12. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Background have indian tabla style music. This is a beast of a radar huge.
  13. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Wrong MI-17V5 are flying on the border daily along with several different Russian origin jets Israeli systems don't shoot them down daily it was because of mistake by pilot and the operator. Akash system is also deployed on border in heavy amounts and new orders for akash system are already...
  14. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Pakistan have no technology which can invade s-400. That said nothing is full proof. S-400 will be connected to India's security grid networks which means if we don't use S-400 closely on borders still we can use Akash spider s-125 and s-200. And if they come to deep it would be s-400 which...
  15. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Nope GOI is getting more meaner and meaner.. In dealing blackmailing. India is Damm good in fighting court case (we are fighting multiple cases in WTO. Recently india also won case against US in WTO :p) stalling acts and to some extent deal making. RN India's fingers are in ghee.
  16. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    GOI is not good with blackmailing ( Russian blackmailing was the reason why india started to look out of the box for defence equipments) . Suppose one American company updated PAKI F-16. Whole American defence sales to india will suffer. And India's defence purchase capacity is Big. Remember...
  17. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    Good luck in selling that oldie to india for 24 billion $. Meanwhile rafale dual engine jet deal will be under 20 billion.
  18. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    India gets what we find is suitable for our role. Biggest reason for getting rafale was because of it's availability service rate of sorties and meteor missiles. And indian experience in already using French jets and eco systems. And neither the Chinese or Pakistan have any experience with...
  19. Assassin 2.0

    IAF Mirage 2000

    This is what happen when you don't have a indigenous defence market. But claiming mirage 2000 have not been a effective jet for india is wrong. We used this jet heavily in kargil and in other strikes with close range mica NG it can take on paki F-16. Mirage 2000 will be retired by 2030 along...