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  1. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Don't talk about Chinese threat or Paki threat or US threat....In a nations like a threat is a threat...THREATS keep it is Paki..tomorrow after NATO......Don't let people narrow down in believing that a specific country is threat.. The planning of a nation for its...
  2. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Get out of Gandhian idealism as other powers do not care about it. Get real ...and do what Russia does....just like Russia ,India should declare that if any nation attacks India with any type of weapons ..India has right to respond with any type of weapons including nuclear weapons.
  3. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Peter, where I live and what I do are irrelevant. Let's have mature discussion. You got annoyed when I called you chocolate eater...don't you eat chocolate? I do. My point is that why there is need for a cold war between India and China? YES, the town IS big enough for MANY men if they know...
  4. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Peter, where I live and what I do are irrelevant. Let's have mature discussion. You got annoyed when I called you chocolate eater...don't you eat chocolate? I do. My point is that why there is need for a cold war between India and China? YES, the town IS big enough for MANY men if they know how...
  5. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Peter...Peter...chockolate are naive...the same powers who used Paki to keep India under pressure and intimidate India ...are now trying to create enmity between India and that they can continue their hegemony. I agree that India should make its Military very very strong...
  6. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Well...Agustya....Remember when you were in high school..and a Bully who used to slap and hit kids who were weak and afraid. Then, one decided to confront the bully when he tried to threaten were no match to Bully as he was twice your size...but as he slapped
  7. P

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    The road to World peace goes through militarily very strong India. Once West or China is totally convinced that they can not win if they attack India, the true peace has a chance. Mutually assured destruction makes West /China realize that India can not be bullied anymore. India's nuclear...