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  1. Razor

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    A dead hand system like the Russian perimetr can help. Because of this system the Russian chain of command can know for certain that retaliation is guaranteed even if they are dead; this removes a burden, gives them a cooler head and lets them take time with their decisions.
  2. Razor

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    I don't think always; perhaps majority of times..? How do we determine origin country of SLBM?
  3. Razor

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Is it always possible to determine where the nuke is from? In some cases the origin could be ambiguous? Similarly with chem- and bio- weapons. What will be the implication of NFU then? Will it lead to escalation from various sides/countries ? Where do non-state actors fit into this whole equation?
  4. Razor

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Thanks. Let it float for now, let's see if the discussion picks up, and then maybe later.
  5. Razor

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    I wouldn't call our capability a bluff. But I doubt the will of our politicians, like womanmohan singh. I think they might bend to american pressure when they ask us not to nuke. And also how good is the "no first use"? I mean we could assume something that they launch to be nuclear and use it...