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  1. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Here are the links to Stuart Slade's Nuclear Warfare 101 that Yusuf mentioned. He takes us through different aspects of nuclear warfare. Please go through it to understand what kind of nuclear weapons to use to make it act as a deterrent. Nuclear Warfare 101 Nuclear Warfare 102 Nuclear...
  2. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    I suggest those who are suggesting Megaton bombs kindly go through this thread where this topic was discussed 2 years ago.
  3. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Exactly, out netas don't have balls for conventional strike, I wonder if they have balls for nuclear first strike :D :blum3: But for second strike, they are forced to do it.
  4. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Of course we are not ready at with ABM. But it is showing a good promise.
  5. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    I think LF has already answered your question. Let me add some more to it. Cruise missile payload is very less and the chance of it using for nuclear attacks will be more for tactical purposes (like attacking incoming enemy) and the area it will cover will be very miniscule. Cruise missiles...
  6. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Because conventional and nuclear BMs are indistinguishable. So, any BM attack will be construed as nuclear attack despite whatever warhead it carries. Read this
  7. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Since we are talking about a future conflict, i was also talking about a future system. So far, India has 100% success with ABM systems (Phase I) it has tested so far. Depends on the missile. If it is a cruise missile, then it is most likely be carrying a conventional war head. If it is a...
  8. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    ABM will be on a automatic mode - lock, stock and barrel. It will search, track, detect and destroy the missile at various possible stages. The reaction time will be very quick. Why are you so sure that it will be a nuclear war?. Can you describe the scenario?.
  9. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Its highly unlikely that they will go for nuclear attacks over water. There will be neutral arbiter to solve any of the ongoing water disputes between India and Pakistan. This is what happened before and will happen in future. Last time we got a favorable judgement on the usage of water by India...
  10. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Disagreement in what sense?. Now we have cold-start strategy, where we will have their lands even before they run to their masters and other international fora without crossing the nuclear threshold. Of course, I'm here assuming that Pakistan will be the offenders. India will not attack without...
  11. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    We can prevent most of them by ABM. Most of their missile launching sites will be secret and well protected from any attacks (may be in bunkers!!!). Even nuclear weapons may not take them out. There is no 100% guarantee this way either. We have more plus points in NFU policy than in First...
  12. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    With respect to Pakistan, by declaring NFU policy, India has put the ball squarely in Pakistan's court, any nuclear attack will be the sole responsibility of Pakistan and that will create that much more pressure on Pakistan in preventing nuclear attack on India.
  13. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Reviewing NFU policy will be a big blunder if you ask me especially when India is not fit enough to carry out a crippling first strike. It will also lead to a lot of misinterpretation of our intentions and might lead to a chaotic situation especially with China.
  14. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    So does the first strike by India. We have to take our chances and I believe we are on the right side.
  15. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Any ballistic missile firing will be construed as a nuclear attack as there is no way to verify if it is a conventional or nuclear attack. Because the mating of warheads to the missiles can be monitored by satellites/humint/elint etc, we will be in a position to know if they are going for a...
  16. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    Once ABM is active, the effectiveness of first strike by Pakistan will be that much lower and give us a chance for retaliatory strikes even without being hit by nuclear weapons.
  17. Daredevil

    India's Nuclear Doctrine

    No first use (NFU) policy of nuclear weapons is a smart choice as it will act as a deterrent in the absence of large number of nuclear weapons in our arsenal. As yusuf pointed out, there is no point in going for first strike if you are not sure of blunting the nuclear counter-strike from the...