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  1. sob

    The Syrian Crisis

    I doubt she would be keeping her hair open like this in actual combat zone.
  2. sob

    The Syrian Crisis

    Looks like the ordinary Syrian is ready to embrace the Al-Qaeda affiliates if it results in the ouster of the Assad Regime. This is from an in depth coverage by Al_Jazeera correspondent Jabhat al-Nusra's rising stock in Syria - Features - Al Jazeera English
  3. sob

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: Syria's Assad seeks Phl help I was not aware of any special relationship between Syria and Philippines. Is Mr.Assad clutching at straws or is there something I am not reading in this.
  4. sob

    The Syrian Crisis

    IMO India yesterday did itself and the public a great disservice by abstaining from voting against Syria in the UNGA yesterday. We have to learn to take an independent stand for ourselves. Here we have a dictator who is hell bent on killing his own people and we are afraid to even condemn him...