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  1. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Russia and Turkey head out to patrol Kurdish areas in northern Syria MORE:
  2. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    The Syrian military photographed an American military convoy leaving Syria with equipment and machinery from abandoned bases. In the first photo, a group of soldiers from the nearest checkpoint went out to conduct the Americans and wish them a “happy” journey.
  3. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Reinforced units of the #Syrian Arab Army deployed in the Um Harmal region north-east of the city of Abu Rosen in the north-east of the country of Tal Tamr near the Syrian-Turkish border
  4. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    [#Syria] Fights at the strategic height of Kbene 18+
  5. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    The #American #Green_Berets and very American #PMC representatives at a refinery in northeast #Syria. Nothing unusual, just a #business.
  6. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    #Syrian Authorities send Electricity Recovery Equipment Delivered to Raqqa Province
  7. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Aircraft strike of the airborne forces of the #Russian Federation / SAR Air Force on jihadist technique in the area of the Sahara settlement in the west of Allepo governorate, Syria.
  8. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Retaliation of SDF fighters against unprovoked attacks by Turkish-backed militias despite so-called cease-fire agreement.
  9. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Retaliation of SDF fighters against unprovoked attacks by Turkish-backed militias despite so-called cease-fire agreement.
  10. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    lol US Defence Official Confirms Army Convoy Has Crossed Back Into Syria From Iraq
  11. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    US Special Forces are still training al-Qaeda type terrorists Jaish Maghaweer Al-Thawra at al-Tanf in South Syria
  12. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    #ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead. Believed to have been killed in a US military raid.
  13. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syrian Army reinforcement on the way to Idlib. Video yesterday.
  14. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    According to some reports, 12 helicopters participated in the raid, 2 of them landed. It is still unknown who is carrying out the operation: the forces of the #American coalition or the #Turkish military. Perhaps it is about capturing the leaders of al-Qaeda in the area.
  15. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Bashar al-Assad visited the positions of the Syrian army in the south of Idlib province.
  16. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    SAA completes deployment of units in northern Hasaka province
  17. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    A column of #Russian military police (Tiger-M) patrols along the #Turkish border from #Kobani and move towards #Jarablus.
  18. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    SIS Terrorist Prison in Hasaka Province taken over by SAA,
  19. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    Turkish soldiers observe the withdrawal of #US troops from #Raqqa towards #Hasakah region at a checkpoint established at the M4 highway.
  20. bhramos

    The Syrian Crisis

    US forces have begun to evacuate the Sarrin/Septe Airbase in southern Kobane,withdrew from Tall Baydar base & Qulayb airstrip towards their position at the eastern dam on the Hasaka-Tell Tamer road. US Army engineers destroyed their intelligence radar base on Mount Abdulaziz.