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  1. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Night Stalker MH-60 Black Hawk Lost In Successful Raid That Killed ISIS Leader In Syria
  2. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Sadly, US and NATO are hostaged by Turkey. The US cannot say an absolute NO to Turkey. Normally, it would say YES .... BUT not this. And the Erdogan would throw tantrums. Besides, it's in US' interests to keep that section of Syria out of Assad's grip. What I'm more concerned are the Kurds...
  3. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    The irony of course is Turkey is now running back to Uncle for help against Syrian and Russian onslaught. In particular it wants US Patriot coverage in Northern Syria. Oh what a f#cking mess for Sultan Erdogan! Turkey went on to destroy its relation with NATO with a stupid S-400 buy and lost...
  4. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    This is strategic calculation. US certainly does not like Erdogan but it wants Turkey inside NATO camp. So it must put up with Erdogan's crazy maneuvers even to the point of sacrificing some interests of its Kurdish allies. The US would have preferred to police Northern Syris with the Kurds...
  5. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Erdogan is one crazy SOB. He cannot tell his mouth from his anus. He and Trump are perfect for each other.
  6. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Gung ho Russian Tger driver tried to show-off his driving prowess (or lack of it and got pushed off the road) against American M-ATV... "Stay down boy!" :laugh:
  7. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Islamic State defector inside Baghdadi’s hideout critical to success of raid, officials say
  8. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    The Delta force commandos called out the occupants resulting in several children and adults leaving the compound. Al Baghdadi and 3 of his children however remained inside. Delta force commandos led by their dogs chased and cornered Al Baghdadi in a tunnel in the house were he detonated his...
  9. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Video clip on the raid that killed Al Baghdadi
  10. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Now this is funny, a dog actually chased and cornered Al Baghdadi into the tunnel where he was killed. And dogs are supposed to be haram in Islam! :pound:
  11. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Here's How U.S. Forces Finally Tracked Down and Killed al-Baghdadi For all the attention, invention and investment that the U.S. intelligence community devotes to spy satellites, communications intercepts, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the raid that killed ISIS Leader...
  12. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Gen. Petraeus Calls Withdrawal 'A Betrayal' In an interview on Saturday, former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus told NPR's Michel Martin that he agrees with McConnell's strongly-worded assessment. Petraeus, the former commander of Central Command in charge of U.S. forces in the Middle East...
  13. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Israel air force finds crew error to blame for jet's downing by Syria So my hunch was right. The Israelis (or more particularly, the...
  14. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Russia says U.S. has set up about 20 military bases in Syria: RIA
  15. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    I think the IAF is rightfully careful about operating the new F-35 inside the cramped Syrian airspace. Israel needs to learn more about the capabilities and potential weaknesses of the F-35, how to best employ its 5th gen capabilities, before they use it in a heavily saturated hostile airspace...
  16. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    This does not appear to be an Israeli F-16. It does not sport the IAF paint scheme. This is the Israeli Air Force paint scheme: It could be a European or USAF F-16.
  17. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    U.S. drone destroys Russian-made tank in Syria
  18. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    It's about time the Kurds are given their own country. They will be a force for good in the ME.
  19. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    U.S.-led forces kill an estimated 100 Syrian regime troops In a major clash the U.S.-led military coalition in Syria has killed more than 100 troops allied with the regime of Bashar Assad — after some 500 soldiers backed by tanks launched what appeared to be a "coordinated attack" on a...
  20. asianobserve

    The Syrian Crisis

    Map of who controls which part of Syria: