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  1. agentperry

    The Syrian Crisis

    BEIRUT: Syria shot down a Turkish warplane on Friday, Lebanon's al Manar television reported, risking a new crisis between Middle Eastern neighbours already at bitter odds over a 16-month-old revolt against Syrian President Bashar al Assad. "Syrian security sources confirmed to a Manar...
  2. agentperry

    The Syrian Crisis

    not just muslim brotherhood. one country is very difficult to get over. this is a smart and very dangerous move by iran but i think in the end iran will burn its own hands. its mixing global politics into mid east politics. soon i think arab forces will try to break a straight forward war or...
  3. agentperry

    The Syrian Crisis

    but sir peaceful and economically sound opposition is also an headache- they try to get arms from whereever they can or make on their own. like china. enemy will remain enemy irrespective of economy, turmoil etc, its only rivalry that ends with time- my naive comment
  4. agentperry

    The Syrian Crisis

    a confused and drugged enemy..its like dream come true for anyone. israeli leaders will be more than happy to see opposition cutting down throats of eachother. your personal opinion- who is more dangerous a psychotic dictator like bashar, gaddafi or tribal leader with militia of thousand...
  5. agentperry

    The Syrian Crisis

    before usa step down from superpower seat- if they at all( experts might be ascertain of it happening or not by now)..the jews lobby wants no problems for israel then. finish off its enemy for once and for all