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  1. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Wahabis, Ahmedias,Sufis,Salafis,Deobandis etc all belong to Sunni Islam.
  2. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    I doubt if they will be able to contain the attack limited to just a few precision strikes. It will expand to C&C centers which will mean right up to the highest level which is Assad himself. Syria has MiGs that can use to shoot down cruise missiles. US will have to perform SEAD/DEAD if fighters...
  3. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: U.S. Lawmakers: Time for 'Next Step' in Syria - But No Ground Forc New questions have emerged over the source of the soil and other samples from Syria which, it is claimed, have tested positive for the nerve agent sarin, amid apparent inconsistencies between...
  4. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: U.S. Lawmakers: Time for 'Next Step' in Syria - But No Ground Forc US is frustrated that the Syrian civil war didn't end as quickly as the Libyan war did and that Assad has held on somehow for 2 years and still holding on and fighting. They will have to manufacture an excuse to intervene...
  5. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: Syria Rebels attacks Hezbollah's positions in Lebanon It's going to get more ugly from here in Syria. Serves Israel well though if the Hezbollah is diverted to fight in Syria. Gives them some breathing space. But this does not augur well for the Mid East. A clear Shia Sunni divide here and...
  6. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    BEIRUT: Russia warned the West on Tuesday against unilateral action on Syria, a day after US President Barack Obama threatened "enormous consequences" if his Syrian counterpart used chemical or biological arms or even moved them in a menacing way. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov...
  7. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: If Assad falls, who wins? In the long run, US will lose.
  8. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Re: If Assad falls, who wins? Saudis will be the biggest winner and their damn Wahabism will along with it.
  9. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Alawistan: Assad could move to the coastal enclave How long will President Bashar al-Assad remain in Damascus? His regime appears to be reeling: A bombing last week claimed the lives of his brother-in-law and three other senior figures of his regime, military defections continue, and rebel...
  10. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

  11. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iraq and WMD comes to mind :) America has nukes. So? All boils down to what the west wants right now and who can have what and what regimes should be where. At the end of it, shortsighted American policy. Look who won the elections in Egypt. Look what's become of Libya. Syria under Assad is...
  12. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    @ewald, that still is a pretext building exercise.
  13. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Building up the chemical weapons bogey now. Lol.
  14. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Looks preplanned at the expense of a fighter jet and two pilots if they didn't survive. Turkey calling in NATO as if it was attacked by the Soviets. It has a far better armed forces with modern weapons. So them calling in NATO makes me believe it was a staged to get the Syrians to attack and get...
  15. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Saar it'd Abdullah Gul, not that terrorist Gen Hamid Gul of Pakistan
  16. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    AAA. The F4 is said to be flying low. IMO
  17. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Why did Syria have to apologize for shooting down the Turkish fighter? Are they trying so say "rogue" elements or rebels have done it?
  18. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Russia apparently had lined up its Afghan "hero" The Crocodile for supplies. I think the US got a whiff of it and has gone public to put pressure on Russia to not do it.
  19. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    That's what should be the case. Read up on this thread. Unfortunately the policy seems to be wrong as far as the US goes. They want Asad to go as he is seen as a Iranian ally.
  20. Yusuf

    The Syrian Crisis

    Propaganda is certainly from the Saudis and the US which wants to see a regime change in Syria. If Syria falls, one ally of Iran goes. If Syria falls, may be the people of Iran will rise. Many reasons.