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    The Syrian Crisis

    Turkey is invading to pr serve their territorial integrity Kurds already asking for separate Kurdistan. EU is involved 5 million refugees head d their . USA could not are less as you Mentioned more arms sales also to SA Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The Syrian Crisis

    This situation is starting appear as a split between NATO and Turkey? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The Syrian Crisis

    Russian arms trader says Syria shipments will continue Russia will keep supplying weapons to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime despite the country's escalating civil war, the head of Russia's state arms trader said Wednesday. Russia on Wednesday also held out the prospect of bringing...

    The Syrian Crisis

    Shiite situation is more fragile it could impact wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as cause problems in oil supplies. If the west does attack Iran what guarantees are there that Iran will not pursue nuclear weapons more actively afterwards? There are always countries like N. Korea , Pakistan...

    The Syrian Crisis

    Turkey vows action against Syria for downing jet - The Times of India Turkey vows action against Syria for downing jet ANKARA: Turkey will take retaliatory steps against Syria for the downing of a Turkish military jet, President Abdullah Gul said Saturday, even as he suggested that the...

    The Syrian Crisis

    Turkey says downed jet may have breached Syrian airspace Turkey says downed jet may have breached Syrian airspace

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria: Russia to send marines to naval base Syria: Russia to send marines to naval base - Telegraph Russia confirmed that it was preparing to send an elite unit of marines to its naval base in Syria on Monday, sharply raising the stakes in its confrontation with the West over the future of...