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  1. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Why afghanistan I wonder. And surely the russians must have noticed. Why haven't they said anything?
  2. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    ISIS: What Happened To All The Foreign Fighters? A few hundred are believed to still be fighting as IS struggles to survive, having lost most of its territory to campaigns by Western-backed Syrian and Iraqi coalition armies. World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: December 16, 2017 10:01 IST...
  3. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    How did arms bought by U.S. end up in the hands of ISIS? Originally published December 14, 2017 at 7:14 pm A PG-9 missile modified to fit a Model 2 recoilless launcher system. It was produced in Romania in 2016, exported to the United States and documented in Mosul in 2017, according to...
  4. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Of course they do. UN is just another word for an American concubine. Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
  5. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Seems like a good progress by SAA. Arent the americans fighting back? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Funny how they always put "moderate" in front of US supported rebels and the word "terrorist" or "extremist" for Assad forces.
  7. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Was that artillery fire. ?
  8. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Every Muslim must participate in jihad says mother, who sends daughters, 7, and 9 on suicide missions 7:33 AM Friday Dec 23, 2016
  9. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Every Muslim must participate in jihad says mother, who sends daughters, 7, and 9 on suicide missions 7:33 AM Friday Dec 23, 2016
  10. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Are you sure? Mohammed's granddaughter? This will lead to massive retaliation I think.
  11. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    My point is there aren't too many. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  12. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Indian rupees? There are but a few Indians fighting there. How did they come across them. Looks like a big coincidence.
  13. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    I'm talking about those shia groups I quoted. How can they be supported by wahhabis? Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  14. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    I think more than half of them are supported & funded by Iranians.
  15. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis A Russian destroyer in the Aegean Sea on Sunday opened fire to avoid a collision with a Turkish fishing boat, the defence ministry said, as a bitter dispute...
  16. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Iraq government has already given permission to Russian air force to enter their land to fight IS.
  17. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    No. IS are sunnis. Iran is a shia country. They hate each other. Iran's security and defence forces are stronger.
  18. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    And please don't forget Yemen.
  19. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    First, the number is more likely to be between 10000 to 15000. Second, syrian army combined with Russian army far outweigh the IS numbers. Also, IS does not have any aerial or naval support. Syrian air force uses barrel bombs whereas Russian air force and navy uses precision / guided missiles...
  20. Kshatriya87

    The Syrian Crisis

    Smells fishy. Syrians are not known for their pity/forgiveness. They have brutally suppressed the rebellion till now. I do not think they will willingly release these prisoners unless they have defected.