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  1. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    He made it to Moscow..did he come back sucessfully..? :D
  2. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    On the contrary I think both sides are more motivated..prbably the Shias under Assad more than the rebels because for them its a fight for the very survival as a sect in Syria. If Assad goes what follows is a brutal ethnic cleansing of the christians, alawites from Syria by the Wahhabis.
  3. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    What we thought Obama was going to do about Assad vs. What he actually did What we thought he would do: What he did:
  4. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    For Assad and his Alawite clansmen this is a war for survival. Between life and death. I'm sure after seeing what was done to Qadaffi after he was caught, Assad wont be taken alive. Infact I'll not be surprised if he has already left Syria for Iran.
  5. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    They all look same. Not necessarily Al-Qaeda just because it is a black cloth with some arabic script written on it. All the Middle eastern rebels from Hamas to Hezbollah to even Kurdish Peshmerga have been observed to wear something of this sort now and then.
  6. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    Truth be told, Assad's power base lies with the Alawites and Christians..both minorities..the rebels have utilised their Sunni tag very well in getting aid from GCC and Turkey. Not going to happen.... Even Russia cant change the demographics of Syria and its neighbors.
  7. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    I thought Assad would crush the rebels...but I was wrong. The rebels with the active aid of GCC and Turkey are winning. Assad's days are numbered and if captured his death would be too brutal to write in words.
  8. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    Lets hope it doesn't happen..for OUR sake.
  9. KS

    The Syrian Crisis

    They just want their syrian naval base of Tartus to be intact. Cannot fault them for thinking that way. It gives them a vital toehold in the Mediterranean.