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  1. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    i would denay their influnse as seen in populer jurnalism they matter maybe 10 -15 precente of the time they are family but not as powerfull as some imagine
  2. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    this is a common misanderstanding american jews and israelis are very difrent with many conflicting intrests in ww2 jewish refugis were left to die in europe dispaite the eforts of american jews only after the 67 victory america stoped ignoring israel we stand on our own always did
  3. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    you help us not from th kaindness off your haert but beacase you need a relaible "guard dog " to keep the oil flowing cheaply you get intelignce loyalty and battlfild techniqe in exchange for cash and diplomatic cover fair deal acordind to any acount win-win you are not doing us any favors
  4. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    the trem west bank is a stupid one refering to all of modern day israel judea and sameria are the real names of the area since the time of the first jewish kingdom 3000 years ago
  5. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    get over your bias its disputed land !!! there is no international border between the west bank and Israel they should have accepted partition in 1948 or any off the peace deals now its too late we don't give a ---- anymore with Arab immigration out and Jewish birth rate and immigration in...
  6. P

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    bla bla bla bla ........... no one cares what "concerns" America it all diplomatic bullisht to make Arab morons happy