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  1. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Shia militias in Iraq threaten US and Israel after Jerusalem move By Seth J. Frantzman December 9, 2017 20:25 Meanwhile, Kurdish voices have taken to social media to support recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. o_O 3 minute read. Shia fighters gather to fight against Islamic...
  2. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    that is copied from Reuters . western countries are playing Good cop/bad cop :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  3. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    LOL ...............You are underestimating Israel & overestimating Europe . after 20th jan. they will get American support ..............and Your sanctions will be useless . Israel is a small country and they share same religious & cultural background...
  4. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    You can add many items in the list .................but how many of them are controlling those lands ? Jews not only claiming that Land but they have occupied that Land . this will lead to fantastically devastating wars ?? (well they are ready to Fight wars...
  5. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Israeli diplomat caught on camera plotting to 'take down' UK MPs Shai Masot is recorded discussing how to discredit MPs in comments described by Israeli embassy as ‘unacceptable’ Israeli official discusses how to discredit UK MPs in undercover footage Ian Cobain and Ewen MacAskill...
  6. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    i'm Talking about permanent members who have Veto power . European Russia contains about 77% of the country's population ..........China is the only exception . no permanent member from Africa , south America , middle east , south Asia , & south east Asia .................that...
  7. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    you can google it ............. yes ................and Europeans dont understand the Problem , this is a religious war ..............and Morality ...
  8. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Indian Govt. & Indian people are different ...................Most Indians (except communists & Muslims ) have Positive views about Israel .
  9. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    these Laws (& even UNSC ) are created by Westerners ............and they follow it according to their convenience (there are thousands of example ) . but why Israel will follow these laws ?? what you can do ? sanctions ?(that will be ineffective ) protest ? (that...
  10. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    then you dont understand the Problem .......... it is not about economic interests , Human rights or Morality ................ this is a religious War . Al-Aqsa is 3rd Holy site of Muslims and they want capture & control it ........ American presence in Arabian...
  11. airtel

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    that is useless .........Israel has 200+ nukes and their Army is very strong , Nobody will Fight with them .............Economical & political sanctions are mostly useless (example North Korea ) . within 15 days Trump will become president of USA (his daughter &...