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  1. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Lol, it doesn't answer any questions but perpetuates the question!
  2. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Would you deny the presence of te strong Jewish lobby in the US?
  3. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    The biggest reason I think is the powerful Jewish community in the US and the powerful Jewish lobby. IMIC Jews hold the financial markets in the US.
  4. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    A lesson for india. Do the same to those SOBs like Saeed, Azhar, Dawood etc
  5. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Yes i am aware of that. But then there has to be an end to all this at some point.
  6. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Its a big mess. On one hand its a political problem. On the other hand there is religion being played along. Yes Israel has the right to live in peace. I hope that one day everything will be fine out there.
  7. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    I think you are the first Israeli here. Welcome to DFI. Yes you may have problem with the entire Arab community, but it sure did start from the fact that you have a problem with the Palestenians. The Arabs support them because they (the Palestenians) are Arabs. Also Palestianian is a...
  8. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    In a huge departure, Israeli leader Netanyahu has offered a two state solution to the Palestinians but with conditions that the Palestinians disagree with. Primary being the status of Jerusalem which Netanyahu says will be undivided and capitalbof Israel, while the Palestinians say east...
  9. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Nothing but a subtle reminder to India that they are still around,while India is cozying up with Israel big time.
  10. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    I wonder if its possible to give Palestinians the land that they are demanding and form a DMZ kind of a buffer that takes care of Israels security needs?
  11. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Why the Middle East Crisis Isn't Really About Terrorism Why the Middle East Crisis Isn't Really About Terrorism - TIME
  12. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Methods of Fighting The Palestinian people, led by Yasser Arafat until his death in 2004, are outraged by Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. The Israeli leadership is continuing to use military force against protesters. Israel has one of the most advanced military forces in...
  13. Yusuf

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Parable of the Family with an Orphan A large family takes in an orphan. The house is already crowded so the orphan must share an attic room with a child too weak to protest the intrusion. The parents give each of the two children half of the room but ask each child to share a beautiful cabinet...