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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Report: Hamas Used Child Labor to Build Terror Tunnels; Hundreds Killed
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Exclusive: Israel sends message through Hamas leader's mouth as psychological battle deepens | JPost | Israel News
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    חיילי צה"ל ברגע של התפרקות: "מי שמאמין לא מפחד!"
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Iron Dome >90% effective I have read.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Any such attacks possible by Taliban in Pakistan or LeT in India, I wonder.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    'Nuclear Terrorism': Hamas Targeting of Dimona Reactor Meets UN Definition
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    John Kerry saves the world « Hot Air
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Palestinian officials say Kerry gave guarantees that '67 borders are basis for talks | CTV News
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    John Kerry Announces Breakthrough in Mideast Peace Process - ABC News
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    What are the implications for Israel of Hagel's confirmation? - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    The 1967 attempt by Arab countries to grab all of Israel was of course perfectly legal, wasn't it? The world bends over backwards to give Palestinians their own country, when that country already exists: it is called Jordan.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Jordan is Palestine.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Useful fools.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    That's funny. A long article about how important is what this guy thinks and he's speaking in a restaurant. Couldn't he even rent a hall? Israeli leftists are as treasonous as they are in any country. And believe it, TIME is a major part of the anti-Jewish faction in the US, trotting along...
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Muslim Brotherhood has been received at the White House. And they didn't have to leave by the back door as the Dalai Lama did.
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Voicing concern is what diplomats do best. The only thing which would be "helpful to the peace process" is for every Israeli man, woman, and child to walk into the Mediterranean Sea until the water closed over their heads.:rolleyes:
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    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Newt's unpopular truth: Palestine wasn't even a country 100 years ago | Columnists | Opinion | Edmonton Sun