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  1. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    300 000 Palestinians live in Jerusalem. They are not Israeli citizens. 90 % of the old town residents are Palestinians . The Palestinians will never accept that Jerusalem is not their capital too, since that is where the symbols of their yet-to-be born state are located. Trump’s move has a...
  2. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    What we see here is probably the first stage of a new US-Saudi plan for a two-state solution if rumors are true.
  3. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Editorial Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two Peoples U.S. President Donald Trump has told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he intends to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Even though Trump hasn’t officially declared it, the reports about his intent have riled the Arab and Muslim world...
  4. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict President Donald Trump will recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital Wednesday, upending decades of careful US policy and ignoring dire warnings of a historic misstep that could trigger a surge of violence in the...
  5. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

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  6. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Would be nice to have a poll among DFI members ! A/ Jerusalem is the legitimate capital of Israel and should be recognized as such by India B / Tel Aviv shall remain the internanionally recognized capital of Israel until a two-states solution is reached
  7. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Major powers will send a message to US President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday that a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians is the only way forward, and warn that his plan to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem could derail peace efforts. Some 70 countries, including key European and...
  8. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    It would be very easy for Europe to break Israel ' s bones applying the same kind of sanctions Europe is applying to Russia after Crimea. But that is not what Europe wants at this stage. And today is a very sad day for Israel since they lost many lives in a new terrorist attack in Jerusalem...
  9. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Well let me tell you something : the notion of a "spiritual state" is not acceptable in international relations or this will lead to fantastically devastating wars : . Russians will claim Kiev as capital of the old kingdom of Rus . Swedes will claim Kiev too ! as Rurik was Scandinavian . ...
  10. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Wait a second. You really classify Russia, China as Westerners ? And why non-western countries such as Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Vietnam vote much more controversial resolutions like the latest UNESCO resolution on Jerusalem ? India and France passed on that one ...
  11. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Europe supports Palestinian rights to a nation state for the exact same reasons that the whole international community including India does : 1947 United Nation Plan for Palestine 1967 UNSC Resolution 242 asking for withdrawal of Israeli forces of occupied territories during the 1967 conflict...
  12. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    I am not so sure about the part with French GIGN special forces converting to islam :0 And yes, I got your point. Jihadists vs fanatic Jews who would like to rebuild their Temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa. Hopefully some new Teutonic knights order will take care of this mess ;)
  13. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    I got your point ! Well, in the long run, violence always prevails. Masada, Saladin, Templars, long history of violence indeed ! But is it too much to ask for a little peacetime in our lifetime ?
  14. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Okay, you tell me why Israel is a legitimate country and Palestine can' t be ? That would help the discussion.
  15. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Logical facts ? Either the Palestinians become Israeli citizens in a greater Israel ( seems that neither Israel nor Palestinians are ready for this) , either they are entitled to get their own state as they don't belong to Jordan any more. I can't see a third solution. Simple logics. Unless...
  16. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Look at a map of Middle East in 1914 and find me Israel ? find me Lebanon ? find me Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq ? all these countries are "fake " in a way. Lebanon, Israel, are just former parts of Syria.
  17. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Israel is already facing backlash in Europe for its unconstructive policy. Ever heard of this ? Goods made in israeli settlements cannot be labelled "Made in Israel" anymore
  18. Tactical Frog

    Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Landmark decision. Two-states solution still reachable ... but it will take more than words to put pressure on Netanhanyu