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  1. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    NASAMSis AMRAAM 120 in SAM mode. We can learn how to make QRSAM. But this is subject to USA not barring India from learning it via some inspection schedule
  2. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    S400 is both BMD & SAM. If I am right, it involves some TOT for indigenisation of BMD & XRSAM. But this part is speculation as it is secretive. Barak8 as of now is partially Indiqn, especially dual pulse motor & launcher. But seeker and MFSTAR radar is Israeli. So, indigenisation of radar is...
  3. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    All of these are in late stages of development. 1) BMD system has already completed phase 1 and is in phase 2. 2) XRSAM is in works for long range. But long range has limits due to enemy planes being able to detect SAM anf hence evade easily due to distance. Long range SAM may not really be...
  4. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Who is the rival? Pakistan, China, USA or Bangladesh? Specify please
  5. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    The radars are upgraded ones and are potent SAMs even today.
  6. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Can you explain how can India find out about the intrusion if Pakistan/Saudi flies a military aircraft in the guise if civilian aircraft across India pretending to reach Bangladesh? In the process, they can do aerial reconnaissance of Indian sites too
  7. Vijyes

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    I am concerned about the slow paced development of BMD systems. SAM is not a big deal. Barak-8 can be deployed in large numbers or even Akash SAM will work fine. Aircraft and cruise missiles are not that hard to target due to slower speed (mach 1 at cruise). What is really hard is ballistic...