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  1. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Russia and Israel have a silent agreement that they won't use them unless Russian interests are targeted. You forgot the critical meeting between Putin and Netanyahu just before the latter left the PM position. Israel lobbied something to Putin and convinced him not to use the S-400s against the...
  2. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    It is not about decisive defence partnerships. It is about reliability of such partnerships. You need to see how uneven this alliance is. Had BRICS been a quasi-defense alliance it would have made more sense since India was roughly on the same footing as other 2 countries namely Russia and...
  3. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    I agree. Can there be a mechanism created where universities can get royalties from the IP that they share with private companies? I mean, say if Mahindra Defence joins with IISc to develop something cutting edge, like a graphene armour, can IISc earn revenue from the sale of each defence...
  4. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Well, the only option to go indigenous is the defence PSUs. Even the most decisive and hardened, meritorious and nationalistic government in India will not let strategic missiles be manufactured by private companies like the USA. That means regardless of any form of government, the DRDO IGMP...
  5. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Thanks for clarifying. Since PAD/AAD systems are for targeting incoming ballistic missiles and naturally would have higher requirements than S-400s as you say, doesn't it make sense for the government to have used the learnings from PAD-AAD systems into developing an S-400 equivalent? I...
  6. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    Then what is stopping our country from making 3-4 different types of SAM systems? Missiles is one area where we are incredibly self-sufficient, and yet, most of the times we continue importing, thereby increasing our reliance on outsiders more and more. Had PAD and AAD been inducted into the...
  7. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    All the more reasons to consider privatizing defence labs and companies. Hiving DRDO off into various specializations such as armoured vehicles, small arms, military health & food, military medicine, missiles, artillery & large calibre ammunition, etc. and then selling each one off to private...
  8. Tshering22

    India's Air Defense System and its Capabilities

    We still continue to keep running behind Russia, France, Israel, etc. for basic air defence weapons. Never understood why we didn't manufacture the simpler air defence systems at home. Are MANPADs so difficult to make that we need to import these basic things? If we can't manufacture these...