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    Iranian Space Program

    Poor animals die for man's greed....what a world!!!

    Iranian Space Program

    Iran space monkey likely to spark nuclear fears from the West Tuesday, 28 June 2011 By EMAN EL-SHENAWI AL ARABIYA WITH AGENCIES Iran says it plans to send a monkey into space next month as part of its space program, potentially sparking fears from Western countries about the progress of...

    Iranian Space Program

    Animal Astronaut: Iran to Launch a Monkey Into Space Next Month By: Clara Kim Following to suit of a mouse, a turtle and some worms, an Iranian monkey is to be sent to space next month. According to the head of Iran's Space Agency, there are five monkeys in training, but only one will have...

    Iranian Space Program

    Iran plans to send monkey into space Tehran conducts missile tests as Iranian space agency announces proposed mission to launch monkey into orbit. Last Modified: 28 Jun 2011 04:41 Iran has unveiled the next stage of its space programme, saying it is going to send a monkey into space next...

    Iranian Space Program

    Updated Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:18pm AEST Iran plans to send a live monkey into space next month, the latest advance in a missile and space program which has alarmed Israel and its western allies that fear the Islamic Republic is seeking nuclear weapons. The head of Iran's Space Agency on...